
Volunteer Opportunities

It truly takes a village to raise a child, and this is no exception with foster families. Foster families need reliable support systems, especially due to each child’s unique background. We offer many different volunteer opportunities for individuals and families to offer their support, from respite care to donations to home repair work.

Respite care enables foster parents to have a few hours or even a weekend to spend time with one another and recharge while a volunteer family offers to care for their foster children.

We accept a variety of donated items for foster families. Gently used clothing, toys, books, or other useful items can greatly help a foster family supply the children in their care with all they need.

Services such as lawn care and home maintenance are especially useful and needed for our foster families. By offering to mow a family’s yard or repair a leaky faucet enables foster parents to spend more time engaging with the children in their care.

If you are interested in offering your time or material donations, please contact our offices at bossierkids@gmail.com.